The following articles are available for sale at the Ashram. These can be ordered by post, if so wished, but please add postage.
TAPES: By Sri Indrananda Ji, £5.50 each (+ £1.00 p&p)
Chanting, Hatha Yoga for Beginners, and Hatha Yoga for Intermediates
Yoga – The Classical Way, (2nd Edition) by Swami Indrananda Ji, £6.95 plus £1.50 p&p.
Compendium of Satsang, Sandhya (Vedic Prayer) & Havan Yajna (Fire Oblation Ceremony), compiled by Swami Indrananda Ji.
This spiral bound, lay flat, book is used at the ashram for the Havan Yajna ceremony during satsang days. It contains the complete text for the Havan Yajna plus English translation. In addition, it contains sections on Satsang, Sandhya and many of the chants that are used at the ashram.
There is also an accompanying DVD filmed at the ashram with Swami Indrananda Ji officiating at the Havan Yajna Ceremony.
Price for book is £8.00, DVD is £10.00 with a combined price £15.00 if ordered together, all plus p&p.
‘YOGA: A WAY OF LIFE’ £9.95 (+ £1.55 p&p). A video featuring Sri Indrananda Ji is available. It has been produced by GAIA Video Communications at the Ashram and gives a general description of the philosophy of Yoga. In the film, Indrananda Ji has tried to explain the different aspects of Yoga, the Gurus and teachers we come across, and the law of Karma. This is filmed against a background of a number of the recent interesting programmes, taken place at the Ashram.
The video is highly recommended for teachers, advanced students and beginners alike, who would like to understand the philosophy of Yoga simply explained. You can order your copy of the video by post by sending a cheque/PO for £11.50, made payable to ‘Patanjali Centre for Classical Yoga’, to the Ashram.
A DVD to accompany Swami Ji’s Compendium of Satsang, Sandhya (Vedic Prayer) & Havan Yajna (Fire Oblation Ceremony book is available to buy at £10.00 plus p&p. For further details, please see book entry above.